The service was scheduled to start at 7 a.m. so I decided it would be advantageous to arrive around a quarter till, a decision which I very quickly came to regret. As stated in a previous entry, the service was held outdoors, which has proven to be problematic in the past as I had attempted to cover this event last year and arrived the morning of to find that it had been canceled on account of rain. This year the weather was almost equally as uncooperative, although instead of rain I was battling 45 mph winds. The service eventually started after only a half an hour of standing on a hill, in the dark, waiting. Needless to say, the experience left me with far less inspiration than I believe it was intended to.

After escaping to the cozy confines of my four-door sedan I gathered my thoughts and set out for Melba, about 15 miles East through the heart of rural Canyon County. The destination, in this case, was not nearly as exciting as the journey. I encountered a road called Cool Rd. which I thought was interesting enough to follow and I am modestly happy that I did. I found this old abandoned home next to a big tree that was just about as disfigured as the house and I decided it was worth taking a picture of.

I'll be rounding out the rest of the day with an Easter Sunday calf roping contest in Caldwell. I'm hoping coffee will be provided at the gate but I won't hold my breath.
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