Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A little work...

I think it's fair to assume that everyone, no matter what they do for a living, goes through a slump from time to time. As this summer came to a close I somehow found myself in the clutches of a wretched slump, although until just recently did I notice it. It's amazing how easy it can be to become complacent in what you are doing and in some cases how hard it can be to admit it. I found myself going through the motions for about a month and my work quickly began to show it. After much deliberation I like to think that I have come to terms with the bone of contention, responsible for my block in creativity.

Now that I've found something to inspire me from day to day I am excited about making great pictures again and am looking forward to the fun that winter will bring.

These couple of photos are from the past week of work. Take a look and if you care to comment, please feel free!

As always, thanks for taking the time to take a look!