Friday, March 28, 2008

Boxing Update

In only a matter of a day or two the story that I set out to tell about the Caldwell boxing scene has evolved into something a little different, which I'm convinced is a good thing. Originally, I had hoped to document the lives of the boxers of Caldwell but after a day of stewing, I came to the conclusion that it may be to broad of a topic.

So I decided to begin focusing on two boxers who are related in a somewhat uncommon way and who have both faced plenty of adversity on their road to becoming professional boxers. The project is very much still in its infancy, however, I do have a pair of photos to share. These were both taken within the last week and are both of Edgar, the older of the two boxers I am following.

I guess the goal, as of right now, is to document their lives leading up to a highly publicized bout on Saturday, April 5th. I've hit a few road blocks to date, although things are coming along pretty well.

Check back for more updates down the road.

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