Saturday, February 28, 2009

Goodbye Rocky

The current condition of the newspaper industry has been pretty well documented with the large layoffs and deep cutbacks but up until now no newsroom downturn has been as well covered as the recent closure of the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colo.

The story is truly tragic. The Rocky Mountain News has been producing a paper since April 23, 1859 and on Friday, Feb. 27, 2009 they printed their final edition after Rick Boehne, E.W. Scripps President/CEO and Mark Contreras, E.W. Scripps Senior Vice-President of Newspapers announced earlier in the week that the downturn in the economy paired with the faltering newspaper business model has left them with no choice but to essentially cease to exist.

For years the Rocky has been a beacon of professionalism and journalistic integrity and it is an absolute shame that they will no longer be there to lead the way in what I consider to be the highest quality of journalism.

Check out the content they produced in their final hours... CLICK HERE.

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