Friday, January 2, 2009

Year In Review

2008 is now in the books and as I look forward to 2009 I want to first reflect on the past years activities.

In this year I've done a lot. I lived in three different locations throughout Boise. I logged almost 35,000 miles on my car. I went back to the Midwest for the first time in almost two years to see a great friend get married. I grew a mustache. I rediscovered a passion for running. I adopted a dog. I made new friends and rekindled relationships with old ones. I laughed (a lot of times at myself). I napped early and often. And of course, I took a lot of pictures...

I can only hope for bigger and better things going into 2009. Bigger and better in all things except the amount of miles traveled in my car. That's not something I care to aspire to.

1 comment:

Dan said...

photojournalism is murder on one's car. sweet pictures dude!