Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sports Mania

The fall sports season is now in full swing and if things keep up at this pace, chances are my posts may come a little less frequently. To prove my point I'll take you through the last week of activity.

I've covered a number of prep sports including: soccer, volleyball and of course, football. This is a wonderful time of year to be out shooting sports simply because the light is almost always spectacular and the temperatures tend to hover between comfortable and cool.

Here are a few choice shots to prove the point...

Yesterday was a busy, busy day, which was a welcomed change of pace from the two days prior. I spent my morning at the Indian Creek Festival, which was a community celebration throughout the streets of downtown Caldwell, Idaho. I produced a slideshow and strived to make this one a bit different than the norm.

Check it out here.

After finishing the slideshow and scarfing down a quick meal, I hopped in my car and drove down I-84 to Boise to cover the Boise State, Bowling Green game at Bronco Stadium. Once again, the weather was great and the game was actually pretty entertaining. I was nearly the target of two consecutive plays to the sideline, escaping near calamity both times by about a half a step. I walked away with a nice battle scar and a couple of nice frames. Check it...

Now it's back to the grind starting this afternoon with the final round of the Alberston Boise Open - a Nationwide Golf Tour event. Should be pretty fun...

Check back later for details.

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

i love that soccer photo, those girls look like ninjas : )