For my first assignment I went out to the Idaho Cup; an annual horse race that showcases horses from throughout the state. Horse racing is always a fun event to shoot because it has so many inherently visual elements. Jockeys in bright colored get-ups, juxtaposition of short jockeys and big horses, cowboy hats and of course the racing action itself.

The second event was distinctly different from the first and although in both the horses were racing around, the first assignment did not involve firearms - which I am convinced makes all assignments more interesting.
You see, the concept here involves guys and gals in late 19th early 20th century attire riding around on horse back and shooting balloons with pistols and rifles. I actually found myself sporting a pretty big grin as I watched these crazy folks maneuver around obstacles wielding large firearms. As a funny side note; the whole event was sponsored by the firearms manufacturer Colt and throughout the event the announcer made it a point to inform the audience that the gun which "won the west" was a Colt - The Peacemaker. Early American arrogance at it's best.

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