My day was scheduled to begin with a 4:30 assignment in downtown Boise which turned out to be a bit out of the ordinary. I finally had my first opportunity to play red carpet paparazzi as Matt Damon came to Boise for an advanced screening of his newest movie, “The Bourne Ultimatum”. Long story short, I seriously underestimated the gusto of the countless 14 year-old girls who had to have the man’s autograph. Needless to say, the experience left me a little jaded and I now know the world of the paparazzi is not for me.

After surviving my Monday assignments I decided to make a weekend trip up to Moscow, Idaho to see my new nephew who was born a little over a week ago. He’s a super cute and totally healthy baby boy who I’m sure we’ll keep my sister and her husband busy.

Now I’m back to work and as I enter the home stretch of the summer months, rodeo season is coming into action and by the time the action is up, football will be back in gear. Should be a pretty busy next few weeks!
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