Thursday, April 19, 2007

Catching Air

Well another weekend has come and gone and after another crazy break, it's back to work. Thursday was a relatively slow day for me, which is always nice when leading off another week of work.

I began Thursday by making a few photos from a graduation at a local trade school early in the afternoon. I then made my way over to Skyview High School to shoot a five o'clock softball game.

After shooting about 5 innings from the shingled roof of the home-teams dugout, underneath gloomy overcast skies, the sun broke and I got a couple good innings of nice light and long shadows. Unfortunately the action I was looking for never came about, however, the sudden break in sunlight provided me a nice boost in spirit and I left the game feeling inspired.

So I then decided to check out this skate park that had caught my eye while commuting to an assignment earlier in the week.

The great thing about shooting skaters is that they are always willing to have their picture taken, and being a former "skater-dude" I always enjoy swapping stories of stunts attempted and injuries sustained.

The guy in this photograph was quite a character. His name was Cory Smoot and he had some entertaining stories to tell, and since I had three hours left in the day, I plenty of time to listen and laugh. Having been born and raised in Nampa and proclaiming to be the authority of Roosevelt Park, Cory gave me a pretty lucid history of the park, as well as his stance on the cities abundance of soccer fields and lack of BMX parks.

Just another feature really and technically speaking, the photo could have been stronger. I would have liked to have taken advantage of the nice light by incorporating a nice shadow into the photo but the 2 ft. latter I keep in my car didn't quite get me up high enough to accomplish that.

Looking ahead, this weekend should be another fun one. The Boise Developmental league basketball team has a playoff game Friday night and on Saturday I will get to shoot my first, and Boise's first arena football game. So check back in in a few days...

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time...

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